"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

12 January 2012

Welcome to my world...

Well, here it is. My first blog post. What do I write? And most importantly what will others find interesting? As I write this I have no followers (boo!) but hopefully soon, after this has all been set up others will want to read what I have to say (or not!). There isn't one solid reason why I decided to write this little blog but I guess if I had to pin down one its because I want to share with others my interests - book wise, hobbies wise etc - and see what others have to say. 

Well what is this blog about? I am a complete book nut and after being addicted to Goodreads for months and noticing members had blogs to jot down their thoughts, reviews etc I decided to start one to write little reviews on books I've read, my favourite books and so on. If anyone finds it interesting I will note down things that are on my mind or just share fun photos and ideas with everyone. 

So here's a quick list about me,myself and I. My name is Rebecca but please call me Becca (Rebecca is only used by my mam when I am in trouble...!!) I'm 20 years young and an English Literature Student in Swansea University. I am a complete bookaholic (seriously I have a book buying problem!), love history, writing, drawing and mostly spending time with massively crazy family.

I have no idea what I am doing with this site so I'm hoping by tweaking things here and there it won't look too shabby but I am so not a computer wizz with stuff like this so any help would be very much appreciated!

Well to finish this amateur blog post off here is the book cover of my favourite book of all time and I will sum up my Tolkien obsession in another post as soon as possible! 

Becca x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging! As a fellow bookaholic and blogger I have some advice for your blog.
    Write what you want to write. That's the most important thing to remember!
    And I love the background you chose for your blog it suits it.
    I'm a newbie blogger as well I only started in October but let me warn you blogging is addictive!

    Good luck on the blog :D

    -Kimberly @ Turningthepagesx.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you :) Nice to know that what I've done is so little time is looking good!

  3. Your blog looks great, good luck with it. Blogging can be fun but can also become a chore at times. I got out of the habit and need to get back into it again!


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