"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

29 April 2012

Showcase Sunday #1

Hi everyone! I'd just like to clarify that until this morning I was completely oblivious on the whole Story Siren and plagiarism thing. But I've read up on the whole thing and I'm rather shocked. I won't discuss it much but I think that as a university student plagiarism is drummed into us as something unforgivable and unthinkable even. I'd hate to think someone is copying my work both in uni or on here, on my blog and not giving credit

Anyway, I know I'm behind on the times. So let me just say that I am now going to participate in Showcase Sunday hosted and created by the lovely Vicky over @Books, Biscuits and Tea. I have participated in one of Vicky's previous challenges the Reviewing challenge and really enjoyed it so I'm now going to support this meme. Showcase Sunday is a way of showing of all of the books that you've recently bought, borrowed or received.

 The Lucky One - Nicholas Sparks (Goodreads)
The Scorpio Races - Maggie Stiefvater (Goodreads)
Prince of Thorns - Mark Lawrence (Goodreads)
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters - Ben H. Winters (Goodreads) 

Virgin Widow - Anne O'Brien (Goodreads)

Please leave your links below so that I can check out your Showcase Sunday posts! :)


  1. Some fab books you got this week. I still need to get the scorpio races.
    Happy Reading

    New follower :D

    Showcase Sunday

    1. Thanks :) I've heard so much about the Scorpio Races in the book blogging community so thought I'd give it a go. I'm following you in return :)

  2. Oh, The Scorpio Races looks so good! I only read two books by Stifvater but I really like her writing style. ^^ Firstly, I must finish that Werewolves series and then read her other books. :D Anyway, nice haul!

    Aleksandra @ Divine Secrets of a Little Bookworm

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I haven't read any of Stiefvater before but I'm looking forward to reading this book :)

  3. You got some awesome books there. Eeeppp!!! The Scorpio Races! Lol. Awesome haul! :D

    Thanks for dropping by My Mailbox :D

    1. Your welcome :) thanks for stopping by and commenting here!

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to sit through endless conversations about plagiarism at uni :D I was the same as you - a bit disappointed and well... shocked. Anyway, thank you for the support and joining Showcase Sunday!

    I still need to read The Scorpio Races - it's been on my Kindle for ages but I haven't had time to pick it up yet. (Uni drives me nuts sometimes)
    Great haul! :D xxx

    1. Uni does have a pesky way of getting in the way of reading the books that I really want to read! Such a pain sometimes. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for hosting a great new meme :)

  5. Aweeeesome book haul! I can't wait to check out The Scorpio Races as well as The Lucky One (seeing as it was made into a movie and all).

    Thanks for checking out my blog!

  6. You got some really interesting books this week ! Scorpio Races looks really good.
    I hope you enjoy all your books :)

    My book haul

    New GFC follower !

  7. Scorpio Races is supposed to be a good read. Have fun reading. :o)

  8. Great mailbox! The Virgin Widow looks really good!

    My haul this week: http://tinyurl.com/6t24hue

  9. Cool! Lots of very original books! Enjoy them all! You should check if your local library has the iron fey series.
    Thanks for visiting my Showcase!

  10. Good haul. I have The Scorpio Races on my bookshelf and still need to read it. I will eventually get round to it :D

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :D

  11. So nice to meet you and your blog.
    I love all the books that you got this week.
    Come and visit my books here!
    WTF Are You Reading?: WTF's In My Mailbox #1
    New Follow!

  12. I look forward to your review of the Scorpion Races. Sweet haul this week. You can see my news on The Sunday Post

  13. Looks like you had a yummy week!!

    Thanks for sharing,

  14. Your going to love the lucky one by nick sparks I just oMgosh it was soo good. sometimes i wanted to hit the characters, but man did he solve alot of the issues. Enjoy your new books!!

  15. Some really great books there. I still have the Scorpio Races sat waiting to be read on the bookcase.

    Happy reading.

    Thanks for stopping by Chocolate Chunky Munkie and commenting on My Showcase Sunday post

    xx Jen xx
    *New follower

  16. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower as well :)

    I hope you enjoy The Scorpio Races! I think Maggie is a terrific writer!

    Megan @ The Girly Bookworm

  17. I definitely agree with you on the IMM thing!!

    I just added Scorpio Races to my to-read list yesterday - and I haven't seen the Sense & Sensibility & Sea Monsters! That looks like it'll be great. I've wanted to read Pride & Prejudice & Zombies for so long.

    Thank you for stopping by my book haul last week! :)


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