"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

09 May 2012

Bout of Books Read-a-thon

I've joined yet another challenge but this is a week long read-a-thon and its all about just trying to read that little more in one week and reading as many books as possible. It's hosted by Amanda over @On a Book Bender. It couldn't come at a better time because on Friday I finish my last exam for the whole summer so I was looking forward to being able to read alot more starting next week so participating in the Bout of Books read-a-thon seems just perfect. I am away though Saturday the 19th until the Monday so I won't be able to post on my blog between that time but Monday night I'll do an extra special post to re-cap what I've read throughout the weekend and see if I've hit my set goal of books :)

My Goal:
  • I aim to read 5/6 books during the week and hopefully finish them all or finish five and start the sixth. They're a mixture of books really. Alot of them are new books I've bought recently and want to read simply because I know I might not read them for while, end up buying more books and they'll be pushed more towards the back of my 'to be-read' pile. One book I had bought for me three Christmas' ago and its about time I picked it up and read it! One is on my kindle just because it'll be alot easier to take with me when I go away over the weekend for a few days. 
  • I aim to read everyday and not just before bed like I usually do. I'll have alot of spare time after my last exam and will want to read and play on ps3 so maybe I'll have to allot some time for me to read in the day. 

Books to Read:

So I'll aim to read the five but hopefully I would have started the sixth one or even finished it, who knows :P If you want to find out more about the challenge or sign up yourself visit the Bout of Books Read-a-thon site here.



  1. Great list of books! I've read Mockingjay and Wither and loved them both. Good luck and have fun!

  2. The first Bout of Books, my list was comprised mostly of books I had received as gifts, because I felt bad for not reading them sooner. It was a good strategy. Best of luck with your goals! :)

  3. I caved this evening and joined this too! I have no clue what I'm going to read but I'm looking forward to it all the same!

    Actually, I think I'll try to get to Mockingjay too. Admittedly I've got to read Catching Fire first but still...:)

  4. Definitely a good list of books you have there, this will be a fun week I think! Good luck :)

  5. Great list! Good luck with your goal! I'm sure you can do it! :)

  6. I'm participating too. Good luck! :)

  7. Good luck! I would take part but I have exams next week :(

    One more day and then you're free, right? Good luck if your exam is tomorrow! And have a fun weekend away :) Thank you for your sweet comments!

  8. Great list! I don't think I could manage to read that many books in one week!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  9. I like your goals. They sound very doable!
    Good luck!

  10. Really good book list =D Hope you accomplish your goals!!


  11. Great choices. I loved Mockingjay and I really liked The Scorpio Races. Good luck!

  12. I just loved Wither! I hope you love it as well! I hope you can get those 6 books read!

  13. Mockingjay and The Scorpio races are on my TBR list (I need to finish Catching Fire first). I keep signing up for challenges too (Well I do need them since I am way behind my reading goal this year) I hope you meet your goal :)

  14. Good luck with Mockingjay - it took me the longest time to get through it. IMO, it wasn't nearly as good as the first two. You have some other really good looking books on your list. Hope you meet your goal!! :)

  15. How great is it that your week is clear for reading! Good luck!

    Here are my goals:




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