"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

31 March 2012

On My Wishlist #6

My wishlist just constantly grows and now I have a kindle its even more crazy and full. But I still find it hard to narrow it down to just two for this meme every week so it's just one this week! Anywaay, On My Wishlist is a weekly meme hosted over @Book Chick City and it's all about sharing with others the books that are sitting on your wishlist, wanting to be bought right now! Here's what's on my wishlist this week, just crying out to be bought and read...

Waterfall (River of Time #1) - Lisa T. Bergren

Most American teenagers want a vacation in Italy, but the Betarrini sisters have spent every summer of their lives among the romantic hills with their archaelogist parents. Stuck among the rubble of the medieval castles in rural Tuscany, on yet another hot, dusty archaeological site, Gabi and Lia are bored out of their minds...until Gabi places her hand atop a handprint in an ancient tomb and finds herself in fourteenth-century Italy. And worse yet, in the middle of a fierce battle between knights of two opposing forces.

Suddenly Gabi's summer in Italy is much, much more interesting.

I only knew of the existence of this series a few weeks ago! It sounds amazingly good and I'd love to have the funds so that I could buy the entire series so far and just spend a good week or two reading them all. I love history and have read novels that skip between the past and present a few times and really enjoyed them, so this book just sounds so good! 

What's on your wishlist?


  1. That book sounds like it would be good!

  2. Hey! I saw your comment on Laura's blog, My Baffling Brain and when I read that your A - Z theme is Lord of the Rings, I came here immediately! I'm following you now and can't wait to read your posts :)

    That book sounds great. Dune is on my wishlist at the moment. I have the same favourite book genres as you, it seems :)

    Nice to meet you!

    1. Thanks for following and I hope you enjoy my posts! Are you participating in the A-Z challenge?

      I'll be following you in return, I love meeting new bloggers with similar interests :)

    2. Yep, I'm just doing a nordic theme, the same as my blog, really :) Thanks for following me!

  3. That sounds like it would be very interesting! Especially considering the setting! I'll have to add that to my TBR list!

    *New follower via GFC and Twitter*

    Here's my post: Lit Girl: On My Wishlist

  4. The series is excellent! Lisa is a very talented author and you will love it. Here is my weekly post: http://reviewsbymolly.com/on-my-wish-list-3-31-2012/

  5. Ohh I've had this one for sooo long! I nabbed it while it was free for Kindle aaages ago and just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. D:

  6. That is so pretty! I really love stories that flick between past and present. The setting sounds awesome too.

  7. I know some people are absolutely in love with the River of Times series, and I have to agree that the story is pretty interesting. However, what most gushing reviews fail to note is the weird "teenager lingo" involved! Gabi keeps referring to things like armor as "the whole enchilada" and using other cliche and very strange expressions (most kept in her own mind). I also couldn't help laughing at all the "Oh, yeah, you boys have never seen anyone like me!" thoughts. So...basically the language was really awkward, and I found ultimately found it very distracting, even though the actual plot was generally engaging.

    On the other hand, the portrayal of Medieval Italy was relatively believable. People didn't just jump on board with all of Gabi's modern ideas right away, which was nice. They were screaming "witch!" and "prostitute!" at her.


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