"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

16 March 2012

Review Copy Cleanup (Challenge #3) - Don't Be Such a Tease

So this is the third challenge in the Review Copy Cleanup hosted by the lovely ladies over @Nyx Book Reviews and @Books, Biscuits & Tea. There are some amazing little prizes up for grabs for those who complete this challenge. Basically, the aim of this challenge is to show off a few sentences from your current review read and give everyone a little taste of what its all about. My read has been published (available on kindle on amazon) but has only been out for a few months so it's basically brand new. I'm currently reading a Pool of Souls, a fantasy story by Cheryl Landmark. I'm really enjoying it and I'm already half way through. Just to give you a little tiny bit of insight into what is happening; Cazlina is trying to find a safe pass through the mountains and happens across a creature who isn't what it seems...

She reached for the handle of her dagger and was reassured by its presence. The small weapon would probably be of little protection against the big and powerful animal should he decide to attack, but perhaps she could slow him down enough to allow her and Miris time to escape.
The tip of the cat's long black tail twitched faintly as Cazlina stared into his yellow eyes. Time seemed frozen.
Then, the animal opened his mouth in a wide yawn, revealing sharp white fangs, and sat down, curling his tail around his front paws. A voice with a hissing inflection infiltrated Cazlina's mind. Follow me. I will lead you where you want to go.

So there's a little teaser for you of my current read! Please leave your links below so that I can check out your little sneak peeks!



  1. Ohhhh, love the teaser! I've never heard of it before, but I'm definitely curious. So glad you're enjoying it. :D

    If you want to check out my teaser, it can be found here!:)

    1. Just saw you'd already stopped by! LOL. Thanks for the visit and sorry for not seeing it. ;)

  2. Ah, now that sounds interesting. I wonder what will happen next.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Wow, sounds very cool. Plus there's a horse on the cover, so bonus points! Here's mine: Don't Be Such a Teaser @ Megan Likes Books

  4. Ohh, that sounds great. Mysterious cats and girls that know how to defend themselves.. I hope you're enjoying your book (:

    Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews

  5. great teaser..i am so curious now. Here is mine: http://www.kimbathecaffeinatedbookreviewer.blogspot.com/2012/03/review-copy-cleanup-challenge-3-dont-be.html


I love reading all of your comments so please leave me a little one below :) Also, Lost in Thought blog is a free award zone. Thank you for the thought!