"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

23 March 2012

Review Copy Cleanup Challenge #4: Mysterious Meetup

This is the penultimate challenge for the Review Copy Cleanup hosted by Vicky over @Books, Biscuits, and Tea and Celine @Nyx Book Reviews. I've really enjoyed all the challenges and getting through some of my review books. There's some great books up for giveaway so go check them out! For this fourth challenge it's all about the Mysterious Meetup. It's all about which of your favourite book characters would you love to have a conversation with and hang around with in real life? What questions would you ask them? I couldnt choose just one...oopsie...so here's a few that I wish I could have a conversation with!

Gandalf: I would just love to meet Gandalf. I'm sure he'd answer a few of my questions whilst we hung around with the Hobbits in The Shire or travelling around Middle Earth on Shadowfax. Maybe he'd also treat me to a magical fireworks display, show me how to defeat a Balrog and let me wear his hat for a little bit!

Daenerys Targaryen: She is possibly one of my favourite character from the Song of Ice and Fire series (with Tyrion and Jon Snow being my others!). I'd like to meet the three of them actually, but Tyrion would make me slightly uncomfortable, because you never know his true intentions! Danny is just a kick ass heroine with three dragons!! I love dragons so I would definitely want to see them (and really hope they wouldn't burn me to a crisp!)

Hagrid: I'd love to meet Hagrid and his trusty dog Fang. I would just love to sit in his little hut and have a cuppa tea, but I'm not too sure about his infamous rock cakes though (I like my teeth where they are!). He's just such a big softy and maybe we could talk about his love of creatures especially dragons. I would even risk a little stroll in the Forbidden Forest if it meant I'd have a little chat with him!



  1. Great choices, I love all three of those characters :)

  2. I love Gandalf (really need to read Lord of the Rings again soon) and Hagrid. I haven't read past the book of the Song of Ice and Fire series and wasn't a huge fan of the first so I'm not how I feel about Daenerys. I do plan on giving the second book a read at some point though.

  3. Oh...I love Gandalf too! And Hagrid is such a softie! Great choices!!


  4. Gandalf..why didn't think of him..you are brilliant and of course I have a soft spot for Hagrid..he could teach you about all kinds of creatures.

  5. Great choices!! I can't believe I forgot about Daenerys! But then it would be hard to pick between her and Arya because I love both of them!

    Gandalf would be great for talking to and I would love talking magical creatures with Hagrid!

  6. Ooooh, I would love to talk dragons with Hagrid!

  7. Ooooh, I adore Hagrid!! He was my favourite character, right after Snape of course. Fab pick!

  8. Aww Hagrid! It would definitely be fun meeting him. He's so cute!

    If you want to check out my mysterious meetups, they can be found here! :)

  9. Ohhh, I forgot all about Hagrid! I would love to meet him, but I wouldn't accept his toffees, hehe. And Gandalf would be awesome too.. Great choices! (:

    Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews
    My Mysterious Meetup


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