"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

03 February 2014

January Wrap Up: A Month in Books!

I started the month off really well. I finished 5 books by the middle of January. Then I picked up one book...and about two and a half weeks later...I'm still reading that same book. I'm not in a reading slump and it's not even because I'm not enjoying the book (because I am ALOT) it's just life has taken over and reading has sadly taken a book seat. January was so hectic in work so I was too tired some nights to read. Then last weekend I moved into my first house and so that has been even more hectic. Anyway, back to books.

Books Read in January:

The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken (4*)
Defy - Sara B Larson (4*)
Stardust - Neil Gaiman (4*)
Just One Day - Gayle Forman (4.5*)
The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman (3*)

Currently Reading:
The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) - Brandon Sanderson


  1. It sucks when we wish we had more time to read but life gets in the way!

  2. I just finished with the Final Empire and it was amazing!!! I loved every part of it! And I would have been in the same position because it was taking a while to read it, but I really pushed myself to finish it before the end of January. I knew February was going to be a very hectic month for me, so I wanted to finish it before the end of January.

    Happy February reading :D

  3. I read a Neil Gaiman book in January, too! American Gods. I actually really didn't like it...but I'm still going to give him a chance, because I've heard such good things about his YA novels. I really want to read both of the ones that you mentioned, and I hope I'll like those ones better!

  4. So glad you liked Defy! I gave it a 4 as well - love story bothered me very much - but I am really looking forward to more and I hope things get better. :)
    I hope you find more time to read soon!

  5. Hi Becca! I found your blog through goodreads, so I figured to stop by and say hello!

    I've been wanting to give The Darkest Minds a try, but haven't had the chance to read it yet. Is it good? BTW, your blog is beautiful. Love the layout and the theme :)

    Anyway, I am now following you. Feel free to stop by my blog sometime! Always looking for new blogger buddies to chat with!

    Best Wishes,
    Mia @ The Muses Circle


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