"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

26 April 2014

Readathon Update #2 & Shelfie Challenge

Update #2
Time: 22:45pm
Mood: Happy bunny with finishing two books - ready for a late one reading!
  • Currently Reading: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

  • Books Finished: Poison by Sarah Pinborough & Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
  • Pages Read (since last update): 226
  • Running Total of Pages Read: 538
  • Snacks: The rest of the milkybar buttons and fruit gums along with a scrummy pizza for dinner.
Shelfie Challenge
So the mini challenge for Hour 10 is the Shelfie Challenge hosted by The Book Monsters and all you have to do is post a pretty picture of your bookshelves. So here's a picture of my favourite shelf that is downstairs in my living room:


  1. Love the shelfie pic! Hope you're having fun reading and that you like Attachments! Great book!

  2. Your shelf is so organized! You can't imagine what mine looks like.

    Btw, you're doing a fabulous job in reading. Keep up the good work!

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