"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

10 June 2014

Top Ten Books I've Read So Far This Year!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

I've had an amazing reading year so far and have read some great books. I've branched out a bit more this year, picking up more graphic novels than usual and throwing myself into contemporary which isn't my usual go to genre. It's hard trying to narrow down 55 books read so far this year (on track with my 100 books challenge!) to 10 books, so it'll be even harder come the end of the year! Without further ado here are my Top Ten Books so far this year! They're in no particular order or that would make this that little bit harder!


  1. Glad to see Anna and Fangirl made your list! Love those books. Fangirl made mine this year, too. I want to read the Lunar series sometime - it sounds really good. Great list!

  2. Anna and the French Kiss would have made my list if I had read it this year - so good!

  3. Yes to Finnikin of the Rock, The Final Empire, Cress and Just One Day! All great books!

    My Top Ten

  4. Most of these are on my TBR, especially Rowell - so excited, and same goes for Sanderson. I have heard so many amazing things I have to join the fans soon :D
    And you're reading HoF?! Jealous! :D

    Happy reading!

  5. OOh nice! Haven't read these myself, but seeing quite a few of them around today!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Cress & Siege and storm! The winner's curse is on my summer TBR pile and The assassin's blade also made it to my list. Unfortunately I wasn't a fan of Finnikin of the rock :( I'm very curious about The final empire and I also hope to read it this summer.


  7. Brilliant list. Can't wait to read the Lauren Oliver books, heard so many great things about them.
    Really want to read Shadow and Bone at some point this year, too. Love it when I see other people saying they wouldn't usually go for contemporary because it generally means they have a great recommendation for me (in this case, this whole page!)
    Loved Mistborn, currently breezing through Cinder - can't wait to get all the way through to Cress :D
    Aimee @ What Aimee Read Next

  8. You have some great looking books on this list. Yays for Cress! There are so many books on your list that I wish I'd read. Like Siege and Storm, and the Brandon Sanderson book. I really need to find them. I tried Finnikin of the Rock once, and couldn't get into it, but I wonder if I should have persevered and finished it. Maybe I'd enjoy it more now. I've heard of several people who have really enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting and following my blog.

  9. There are some good titles in there in many different genres.

  10. This is a great list! Cress was cute and I love Stephanie Perkins' books (Lola and the Boy Next Door was probably my favorite of the two). And Mistborn... I can't even... just so good.

    Two of these books, The Winner' Choice and Fangirl, I actually have checked out from my library to read next :) So needles to say, I'm following you now as you apparently have excellent taste in books.

    AJ Bauers @ Covert Extrovert

  11. Oh my gosh, YES! I love ALL your picks (even though there are a couple I havent gotten to, yet).

  12. I have to agree 100% with Cress and The Winner's Curse!! And Fangirl, even if I read it last year!

  13. My mum just bought me Fangirl, I can't wait to read it. I'm reading Eleanor and Park right now, and I love it.

  14. I LOVE your picks, Becca! I read a lot of these last year and they definitely made my list of favorites (hello, Fangirl). I tried reading Just One Year and couldn't get into it, which is disappointing since I loved Just One Day, but I know I'll have to give it a try again so I'm curious to see how you like it too!


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