"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

30 June 2014


I completely failed with the YALC readathon last week. Seriously I was so busy and so tired I managed to read just one book. ONE book! *shakes head* I have a whole pile of books that I want to get through but realistically it's not going to happen unless I read every night this week and next week and spend this weekend with my nose in a book 24/7. Do-able? I'll really surprise myself if I get through the pile below! I'd really like to read as much as possible though as I'm really looking forward to meeting some of the authors. It's going to be so busy so I'd like to know beforehand who I want to see 100% and then if there's time get other books signed. But the two days are going to be so busy and I want to do so much more than just mingle in the book area. Seriously LFCC is so much fun and I can't wait to be amongst the hustle and bustle again, trawling through all the stands and merchandise, looking at all the cosplayers and meeting the stars for a photo or autograph. Anyway, I really hope to get through some of the books below in the next week and a half! *fingers crossed*

Are you going to YALC? What books do you hope to read before? Also who are you most excited to meet?

1 comment:

  1. I 100% recommend Kim Curran and Holly Smale! I've not met Holly but Kim is so, so lovely as well! x


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