"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

01 July 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Classics

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Favourite Classics:


  1. Ooh nice! I actually plan to read Frankenstein one of these days! Bought myself a nice pretty edition of it awhile back!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I love Jane Austen, too! I also need to read Frankenstein this year. I read Dracula last year around October so I might make it an annual thing to read horror classics and shoot for Frankenstein this year.

    My Top Ten

  3. That's a lot of Jane Austen on your list! She is pretty fantastic, I totally get it.I included Sense and Sensibility on my list. Also I hate to say, I couldn't get in to Jane Eyre. I'm more of an Emily Bronte kind of girl. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  4. Wow I love the look of these! Awesome picks, too!
    I really enjoyed Narnia and Hobbit, so I am super excited for LotR this year, if I can cram it in. :)
    Happy reading!

  5. Great list becca! I love Aslan!!

  6. I just started Persuasion this week and The Time Machine is totally on my TBR! You have great taste! ;)

  7. Can I just say those are some really lovely editions?? I really need to read The Lord of the Rings soon as well. *_*

  8. I kept wanting to say, "I watched the movie! Does that count?" ha! I HAVE read P&P (gorgeous cover), Hobbit, LOTR, and my mom used to read Narnia to us, but I don't remember them...just the movies. It's so bad, I know. So many great ones I need to read asap!

  9. JE is one my all time fave classics! I also really enjoyed the LoTR trilogy and of course The Hobbit. :)

  10. I enjoyed the first 3 Narnia books, then... they just lost me!
    I loved Jane Eyre too and Pride & Prejudice more than Sense & Sensibility...
    LOTR & The Hobbit are books I've re-read quite a few times!

  11. I love the Great Gatsby cover you picked!

    I read the Hobbit a long time ago before it was ever a movie and I don't think I really understood it then. Now that they're making all these movies I feel like I should reread it but my copy is long gone.

  12. I absolutely love the Austen and Bronte covers! I may have to get additional copies just for those covers <3 And that The Great Gatsby cover is also adorable. I'm drooling over covers now :D


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