"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

15 July 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: TV Shows

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
These are in no particular order!

Game of Thrones

Sons of Anarchy

 The Big Bang Theory

Battlestar Galactica





Grey's Anatomy



  1. Eeep Friends! :D They made my list, too. I totally forgot about Bones. :L I watch too many shows to remember them all, let alone pick just 10. :D
    I have yet to see SoA and finish BG, I saw a few eps of the latter and liked it a lot.
    Happy reading!

  2. Castle! I love that show! But I'm always a season behind since I watch the DVDs, never get caught up til after Xmas when I buy the DVD for my mom. Perhaps I need to just start buying it and watching it to be with the current season!

    Never did finish watching Lost either! I liked it, but it go soooo confusing sometimes with all the backstories. I always said that if they started adding time traveling to the mix I would be gone, because I'd totally be lost. And sure enough the second to last season goes there! And totally confuses me!

    And Big Bang! Love that show!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I LOVE Grey's Anatomy!! I stopped watching,well fell behind probably 5 years ago and it's a DEMON to get caught up with, there is so many episodes !! Some day I will because I just adored it when I first watched it all those years ago!!

  4. Big Bang Theory, Friends and Sons of Anarchy are some of my favorites too :D After MULTIPLE BBT rewatches, I actually just started a long overdue Friends rewatch. Man, that show never gets old! And I can not wait for the new season of SoA! Although, I'm kind of scared too. Of course, GoT is on the watchlist! Awesome picks here ^^

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

  5. FRIENDS made the top of my list and I love Big Bang! I have often wished I started watching SOA when it first came out, too. Great list. :)


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