"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

29 July 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Own The Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

10. Jean M Auel & Robin Hobb = 6 Books

9. Cassandra Clare & Nicholas Sparks = 8 Books

8. Maria V Snyder = 9 Books

7. Charlaine Harris = 10 Books

6. Elizabeth Chadwick & George R R Martin & Rachel Vincent = 11 Books

5. Terry Brooks = 12 Books

4. C S Lewis = 14 Books

3. Roald Dahl = 15 Books

2. Terry Pratchett = 18 Books

1. J R R Tolkien & J K Rowling= 19 Books 


  1. I cannot wait to start Pratchett, Brooks and Hobb, I have heard so many amazing things about all three so I hope to get my hands on their works as soon as I can. :D
    Happy reading!

  2. I think J.K. Rowling just wins at everything. I've seen her at the top of a lot of people's lists, including mine. At least you have Tolkien to compete with her! I'm impressed you have so many authors with 10+ books, where do you store them all?!?

  3. Yay Maria!! I love her books! She's on my list too because I have more than a few doubles of hers on the shelf! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Haha, I love that you combined Tolkien and Rowling. :) You have a really diverse list! I really need to read some books by some of those authors. I have read pretty much all of Tolkien's, aside from some of the obscure "notes" books that his son published. And I have read all of Rowling's books except for her two newest adult novels as I wasn't a fan of The Casual Vacancy.

    Here is my TTT

  5. Yay Robin Hobb!! So much love! I also adore Maria V. Snyder, though I think I got most of hers from the library. I desperately need to start on some Pratchett ASAP!

  6. +JMJ+

    I had only one tie on my Tenner. In my library, there seem to be more ties when we get to four or five copies. I'm impressed that your numbers run much higher! =) Our lists have C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien in common, but I feel that Lewis "cheated" because The Chronicles of Narnia gave him a huge edge. LOL!

  7. You have some awesome authors on this list. And wow you have a lot of Tolkien's books. Do you have different versions of his books? That would be so cool to collect.

  8. Ooh, I loved Roald Dahl when I was a kid <3. He was great. You own a lot of books by J.K.Rowling, impressive! I'm thinking about buying another HP series bundle myself :). I should probably read The Lord of the Rings trilogy soon too. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)


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