"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

02 March 2015

Top Ten Favourite Books Of The Past 3 Years!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This was a toughie because I've read so many amazing books over the past 3 years. Really, the 3 years span my blogging life as I started this blog early in 2012 so it's a time where I began reading a lot more than I did previously. That number definitely increased in 2013 and 2014 so there's a lot of great books to choose from. I would consider the following books my most favourite books of the past 3 years even though there were a ton of 5 star books I loved! 


  1. Oh nice! Lots of Cinder and Cress today!! And OH YAY for the Maria V. Snyder books! Love this author soooo much! Her books are amazing! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I am in LOVE with Maria V. Synders books! I am on Taste of Darkness right now and I am loving it! I am also on the waitlist for Crown of Midnight. I am number #11 so I'm slowly getting there but I was put on the waitlist back in the beginning of January!! I guess I should have just bought them :/

  3. Maria V Snyder!!! I get so excited every time I find someone else that loves her books. I read Poison study back in... 2007? Geez. Anyway. I fell in love immediately and have basically devoured everything she's written.

    Love your list so much! Basically everything on this list that isn't on mine, was #11 or #12.

    Thanks for stopping by the blog. :)

    Kimberly @ The Bookish Thespian

  4. You know, I have been going back and forth on Touch of Power since it was released! But seeing as how we seem to have pretty similar taste, I think I'll try it out. Thank you!!

  5. Oh I love the Lunar Chronicles too. I am anxiously awaiting Winter.

  6. Throne of Glass is so good, and personally, Crown of Midnight was even better. Great list!


  7. I haven't read anything by Maria V. Snyder yet, but hopefully soon! I've heard great things about Poison Study.
    I read and loved The Winner's Curse last year too - I can't wait to read The Winner's Crime :)

  8. I LOVED The Book Thief and Fangirl! I'm yet to read the second installment of Throne of Glass, is it as great as the first? :-)
    These Broken Stars and Poison Study I'm told are very good too :-)
    Lovely list Becca- you have such a pretty blog too! Thank you for stopping by mine :-) xx

  9. I love your groupings by year, it gives it a real feeling of progression. I've read Cinder and Scarlet, and a lot of people really seem to like Cress best, so I should probably get around to reading that.


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