"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R Martin

03 March 2012

My new toy and reaching over 50 followers!

So after saving for a total of...one week, and only managing to save..£25, I couldn't stand it any longer and finally gave in to buying my very own kindle! I'm now saving up to reimburse myself the £60 that I had yet to save, and being a poor student it wasn't a very good thing to do but I wanted one sooooo much I just couldn't stand waiting any longer. And I keep telling myself that I will save so much money by buying my coursebooks for free on there that it'll pay for itself. It is my new little baby and I can't stop holding it and looking at it and I've already bought a nice little red cover for it with a clip on light (luckily I had £7 left on an amazon gift card!). And it has also made me into a crazy woman. I have bought so much free books for it that I have more listed on there than my mother who has had here's for months! I can't stop trawling amazon for cheap books and the feeling I get when I press buy and poof its just there, on my kindle is just soooo good haha. My In My Mailbox meme tomorrow is going to be one packed post! I can't believe that I own one after all the times that I said I would never buy one! I feel a little guilty about my paperbacks so will pick one up to read asap but for now I've transferred all of the many books that I had to read and review onto it so hopefully I'll fly through them now. So I just thought I'd let you all know of my special little purchase!

Oh, and I reached over 50 followers today! I promised a giveaway so there will be one as soon as possible, I just need to find something good for you all to win! Thank you everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I got a Kindle for Christmas and I will never look back.

    I have become a complete reading addict since I got it... which gave birth to a blogging addiction... which gave birth to a Twitter addiction.

    If you're looking for free books which appear to have goof reviews and you're on Twitter follow @DIGITALinktoday. You can find free or cheap books there. The links take you to Amazon.com, but you should be able to find an equivalent on Amazon.co.uk.


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